April is the "Month of the Military Child" and as a campus, we want to honor all of our military-connected kids and families and say THANK YOU!
In celebration, we invite your student to participate in the National Purple UP! Day -- happening tomorrow, April 15th. Your student can come to school in a Purple Shirt and Jeans.
Please remember: No rips, holes or tears in jeans and that students MUST wear purple (no Spirit Wear).
To learn more about the Month of the Military Child, we invite you to check out: https://unitedrelieffoundation.org/purple-up-day-for-military-kids/
>> If you are a military-connected family, we'd love to hear from you! Has being at Texas Leadership (TLCA) made a difference for your family? We'd love to hear about it. Simply send an email to Marketing@TexasLeadership.net. <<